Sleeping Disorders

Sleeping Disorders

Treating Sleeping Disorders

Sleep disorders are problems related to sleep. These include difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, falling asleep at inappropriate times, sleeping too much, and abnormal behaviours during sleep.
The correct diagnosis and treatment of these patients require a multidisciplinary approach. For its correct diagnosis, a polysomnography or sleep test is performed, which consists of recording the physiological variables at night such as EEG, nasal discharge, oxygen saturation and heart rate. It allows to know the structure of the patient’s sleep and diagnosing the patient’s disorder.
Young woman filling nervous sitting at hospital corridor waiting while two doctors talking on a backgroud

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What are the phases of sleep?

Phase 1: Drowsiness occurs, it’s the transition between being awake and sleep.
Phase 2: Sleep is light. Heart and respiratory rates decrease
Phase 3: It is the transition phase towards deep sleep.
Phase 4: The degree of depth is greater and it is very difficult to wake up
REM phase: This phase increases during the second half of the night. In this phase, there are rapid eye movements and increased brain activity.

Implications of Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are not serious pathologies, but they have serious implications in everyday activities:
physical exhaustion
Poor performance
Daytime sleep
The difficulty for completing professional, familiar or social obligations.
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Am I Suitable To Get This Treatment?

Not everyone is suitable for sleep disorders’ treatments. The Sleep specialist will check the general and dental background to ensure the patient is ideal for these treatments.

Some Sleep Disorders

Insomnia Difficulty falling asleep, nocturnal awakening, or premature end of sleep.
Narcolepsy It is a neurological sleep disorder that causes extreme drowsiness and sleeps attacks during the day.
Sleep Apnoea and snoring Sleep Apnoea is a respiratory disease characterized by the fact that people who suffer from it habitually snore. This condition is caused by an obstruction of the pharynx that does not let air through. As a result, persons who suffer from sleep apnoea are not able to satisfactorily rest during sleep hours.
REM-phase sleep disorder It is characterized by vigorous motor behaviours, nightmares, and the absence of muscle atony during the REM sleep cycle. People over 55 years of age are the population at risk.
Night terrors Terror episodes with screaming and agitation, sometimes accompanied by sleepwalking.
Woman at Dentists Consultation

Treatment Process for Sleep Disorders

1. First step: Diagnosis and treatment plan
The doctor is going to do a thorough examination and will look into your medical history, in which you must include the duration and age in which symptoms appeared.
Medical history: Known disorders that can interfere with sleep should be evaluated, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, heart failure, hyperthyroidism, gastroesophageal reflux, neurological disorders and pain disorders.
Sleep diary: You should keep a daytime sleep diary for several weeks for example; food or alcohol consumption, physical or mental activity during bedtime should be assessed. Symptoms should be recorded during sleeping and waking hours.
System’s review: Looking for symptoms of specific sleep disorder, such as, snoring, interrupted breathing patterns, and other night-time breathing disorders (sleep apnoea syndrome) also, depression, anxiety, mania, and hippomania.
Physical examination: It is especially helpful in identifying signs associated with Sleep Apnoea; obesity, large neck, mandibular hypoplasia, nasal obstruction and enlarged tonsils, tongue, uvula or, soft palate.
Complementary studies: Sleep study (Polysomnogram), Lab Tests, Multiple Sleep Latency Test, Maintenance of Wakefulness Test, Actigraphy
2. Second step: Treatment
Sleep disorders’ treatment will depend on the type of disorder that the patient is diagnosed with, this can vary from cognitive therapy, pharmacological treatment, devices, etc. It is the sleep specialist who will tell you what is the best treatment for your specific situation.

More Questions about Sleep Disorders?

There is no specific treatment. Benzodiazepines and antiepileptics have shown good results. A neurological evaluation may be necessary

Treatment with Clonazepam and Melatonin improves the symptoms of REM sleep behaviour disorder but does not prevent conversion to neurodegenerative diseases.

Sleep apnoea does not have a cure. Treatment is aimed at alleviating symptoms. There are different types of treatments that can be indicated depending on the condition’s severity:

  • Conservative: The doctor will recommend the use of a special occlusal splint for Sleep Apnoea, also, weight loss, avoiding tobacco, playing sports, etc.
  • Moderate: The most accepted and preferred method is CPAP, which is recommended in almost all patients. This consists of a pressure generator that transmits continuous pressure to the upper airway through a nasal mask, preventing it from collapsing. This mask has a rapid effect, making snoring and daytime sleepiness disappear.
  • Surgical: It is recommended where there are some anatomical discrepancies, or when the mask is not well tolerated due to the existence of some damage to the upper airway.

Stimulant medication that stimulates the central nervous system is the main treatment to help people with narcolepsy stay awake during the day.

Cognitive behavioural therapy’s objective is to change your behaviours and thoughts to help you sleep.

Sleep medicine. Your healthcare professional may recommend special medicine to treat insomnia in the short term.  

Genetics have a major influence in sleep disorders. It is very useful to know this to be able to determine possible disorders that may appear or to establish preventive aspects or treatments for them. However, it should be noted that, despite the genetic influence, many aspects influence the quality of sleep such as physical condition, environmental conditions, temperature, noise, etc.

We must try to improve as much as possible the conditions associated with better rest, regardless of our genetic predisposition to sleep or difficulties in it.

  1. Avoid drinking caffeine at the end of the day
  2. Avoid taking naps
  3. Avoid alcoholic beverages, tobacco, heavy meals, and exercise for 2 hours before going to bed.
  4. Make sure your bedroom provides a favourable environment for sleep
  5. Avoid looking at bright screens around bedtime.
  6. Only go to sleep when you are sleepy
  7. Stick to a regular sleep schedule
  8. Visit the dentist or sleep professional regularly.

1. Better sleep
2. Patient’s quality of life will improve
3. The patient will have a better sleep cycle
4. Daily activities’ performance will be better
5. Reduced risk of depression

  1.   Cognitive and behavioural treatments
  2.   Restrictions of time spent sleeping
  3.   Relaxation techniques
  4.   Counselling and prescription of non-specific techniques for sleep induction
  5.   Consider the possibility of a neurological evaluation

How much is Sleep Disorder Treatment?

At Susan Crean Denal & Facial Aesthetics we offer a wide selection of dental treatments provided by some of the best dental staff in Tralee, each treatment designed to meet the individual needs of our patients. Working with your dentist to meet your dental health goals, you’ll find that there is always something to smile about. Our prices are competitive and our services top notch. Review our competitive price chart below. Book your appointment online. You can call our Tralee clinic at 0667117577.
You only get one set of teeth, Ensure a healthy mouth with healthy teeth and gums. Routine check-up appointments and professional cleanings with your dentist will help to keep small concerns from escalating into more serious dental problems.

Price List : General Dental Treatments

Check-up with x-ray : €70
Check-up without x-ray : €40
check-up (child <16years) : €30
Additional x-rays : €15 ea
OPG x-rays : €65 ea
PRSI - Scale & Polish & Cancer Screening : €15 (one per year)
Emergency Consultation (inc x-ray & prescription) : €65
Emergency Endodontic Treatment : €65

Susan Crean Dental & Facial Aesthetics Tralee

Alternative Treatments

We offer a wide range of General Dental Treatments, below are some related treatments that you may be interested in

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Susan and the team are amazing, I could not recommend them more. I myself am a very nervous patient and always feel 100% comfortable when sitting in the chair. Fantastic dental practise!

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April 12, 2021

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